GOP Senators Rally Against Biden's Pick for Israeli Ambassador

By Elliot Chen October 18, 2023

Biden's nominee for ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, faces opposition from Senate Republicans over his involvement in the Iran nuclear deal.

Republicans in the Senate have voiced pointed concerns regarding President Joe Biden's nominee for ambassador to Israel, former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. He is set to face rigorous questioning during his confirmation hearing, and some lawmakers have hinted at potentially slowing down the process of his nomination on the Senate floor.

Several Republican senators have questioned Lew's involvement in the Iran nuclear deal during President Obama's tenure. Despite the urgency to confirm a new ambassador amidst the ongoing conflict in the region, these lawmakers worry that Lew may not be the best fit for the position. Sen. Marco Rubio voiced his reservations, accusing Lew of having misled Congress about financial agreements during the Obama era.

Republican Sen. Pete Ricketts shares these concerns, specifically pointing out Lew's association with the Iran nuclear deal, which he believes indirectly aids Iran's nuclear aspirations. While the nomination could advance with a majority of 51 votes from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a single senator has the power to decelerate the proceedings on the Senate floor.

Top Republicans such as Senate Minority Whip John Thune and Sen. John Barrasso have indicated significant opposition to Lew's nomination, with the latter suggesting a potential delay in Lew's confirmation. Sen. Tom Cotton may be the one to block a speedy confirmation, criticizing Lew as an “Iran sympathizer with no business being our ambassador.”

Lew had a crucial role in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, opposed rigorously by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as he alleged it paves Iran's way to building nuclear weapons. Trump withdrew the US from the deal in 2018, a decision backed by Israel.

Democrats defend Lew's qualifications and argue that confirming an ambassador to Israel should be a top priority. Senators like Ben Cardin maintain that Lew is the right choice, emphasizing the urgency to station an ambassador in Israel.

Despite these assurances, GOP Sen. John Cornyn remains skeptical, expressing his reservations about the Biden administration's approach to handling Iran. He argues that sanctions, supposed to have been enforced by the Treasury Department under Lew's watch, have been circumvented, relieving Iran's pressure to halt their nuclear program.

Cotton argues that rejecting Lew will send a powerful message. Sen. Eric Schmitt concurs, stating, "Iran is the chief sponsor of Hamas. Jack Lew has no business being the US Ambassador to Israel."