Sanders Investigates Amazon Warehouse Safety

By Leo Rodriguez June 20, 2023

Senator Bernie Sanders initiates a Senate investigation into Amazon warehouse working conditions, focusing on employee safety and labor practices.

Senator Bernie Sanders has initiated a Senate investigation into working and safety conditions at Amazon warehouses in the United States. As chairman of the Senate committee on health, education, labor, and pensions, Sanders seeks to shed light on the labor practices of one of the country's largest employers.

Alongside the investigation's launch, Sanders revealed a website allowing Amazon employees to share their personal work experiences. This platform will help inform the Senate probe by providing first-hand accounts.

In his announcement letter to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, Sanders stated that the company's pursuit of profits has resulted in unsafe environments and intense pressure on many Amazon employees. He cited instances of inadequate medical attention for tens of thousands of workers.

Throughout the years, several workers have spoken out about the demanding nature of their jobs at Amazon warehouses, which can span the size of 28 football fields. These employees often face long hours and constant monitoring by the company.

Sanders has previously clashed with Amazon over its labor practices and even attended a worker rally aimed at unionizing one of its facilities. In 2018, following criticism from Sanders, Amazon decided to raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour for U.S. employees.

In his letter, Sanders claimed that Amazon's warehouses pose unique dangers. He cited recent Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citations against the company. After inspecting three facilities, OSHA issued hazard letters in January about injury risks associated with package lifting.

The senator also referred to a labor union report stating that Amazon's serious injury rates are over twice those of non-Amazon warehouses. Despite Amazon's disagreement with the report's findings, employees continue to report the physical toll of working in these environments.

Amazon spokesperson Steve Kelly informed CNN that the company has received Sanders' letter and begun reviewing it. Kelly emphasized Amazon's commitment to employee safety and cited a 23% reduction in recorded injuries since 2019. According to Kelly, the company has invested over $1 billion in safety initiatives during the last four years. Amazon also extended an open invitation for Sanders to visit one of its facilities.