Yankees' Aaron Judge Uncertain About All-Star Trip

By Emma Nguyen July 8, 2023

Yankees' Aaron Judge, recovering from a torn ligament, weighs the pros and cons of attending the All-Star Game as per fans' votes while focusing on his recovery.

Yankees' star player, Aaron Judge, recuperating from a ligament tear in his right big toe, is wrestling with the idea of attending the impending All-Star Game in Seattle on Tuesday. His participation wouldn't extend to playing in the match but merely engaging in the celebratory activities, such as being a part of the introductions on the field.

The verdict of the fans, who have elected him into the game, carries a significant weight in his contemplation. Judge expressed, "The fans' sentiments are paramount. They have given me the honour of representing the Yankees through their votes, and it's a privilege I do not take lightly."

In addition to Judge, the Yankees will also be represented by Gerrit Cole at the All-Star Game. Although Judge himself has enjoyed four previous Midsummer Classic nominations, he cherishes every opportunity to interact with other all-stars.

However, he also stands firm on prioritising his recovery. While treatment facilities are widely accessible, Judge concedes that the convenience of staying in New York, in proximity to Yankee Stadium, is beneficial. Not to mention, the extra rest procured by eliminating travel, particularly to the opposing coast, could indeed influence his decision.

Judge plans to give a verdict on his participation in the coming days after factoring in feedback from his family and his fellow players who have dealt with similar situations.