NYC Council Proposes Faster Towing for Booted Cars
A proposed bill aims to remove towed vehicles from city streets within 72 hours, addressing residents' concerns about unsightly and hazardous parked cars.

May 7, 2023
A new legislation is expected to be introduced this week in the City Council, requiring towed vehicles to be removed from the streets within 72 hours after the city becomes aware of them. Proposed by City Councilman Shaun Abreu, the bill aims to address complaints from residents regarding booted vehicles serving as eyesores and inconveniences, sometimes even attracting rats.
Abreu emphasizes the need for greater efficiency in removing these neglected vehicles. If approved, the bill will take effect 120 days after being signed into law. Removing booted vehicles would also free up parking spaces in high demand due to expanded outdoor dining and Citibike stations.

The bill designates removal responsibilities to the NYPD and Sanitation Department; the former for registered vehicles and the latter for unregistered ones. It is uncertain if any fines will accompany the legislation, but associated costs already include a boot removal fee of $185, nightly storage fees of $20, and towing fees ranging from $185 to $370.